FlamyTech Computers Limited's Privacy Policy

FlamyTech Computers Limited demonstrates its commitment to our customers' and site users' privacy by providing this statement. The Management does everything in our power to ensure your right to privacy. We are deeply committed to developing long lasting relationships with our customers and prospective ones that are built on mutual trust. And this website, Flamytech.com, is in full compliance of this rule and will never violate that trust.

The Data We Collect:

FlamyTech sometimes collects personal information like names, email addresses, websites, telephone numbers, and other personally-identifying details from our users, only when there is need and with their full consent.

How We Use The Data We Collect:

The above-mentioned personal details are used to serve our customers and prospective ones the best way we can. As a matter of policy, we respect the privacy of those who send us such necessary information. And we do not use the information for any other purpose, other than what it is specifically meant for. We do not sell, rent, lease or misuse the information sent to us.

Flamytech.com is a reputable website and does not engage in sending unsolicited email messages to anyone. So, be rest-assured that you’re in safe hands. Furthermore, we do not engage in fraudulent activities, as we want to remain in business for a very long time to come. And for that fact, all the personal information sent to us is securely kept, with restricted access to only those staff members in-charge of the very department the information is meant for. All our staff members are honorable and the safety of your personal information is guaranteed by the FlamyTech Management.

If you do not agree with any section of our policy, or feel your privacy may have been compromised by our staff, don't hesitate to send your complaint to us via our Contact Form. We promise to investigate all valid complaints and take necessary actions.